

Women of action…

Apply to join our 3 VIP days of bonus training directly following the 4 day E.V.O.L.V.E. Method retreat:

Bonus Session 1 – Master your 7-figure mindset: Embody that your reality is a projection of your consciousness and utilise your imagination, intention and mindset to utilising the law of mentalism.

Bonus Session 2 – Your 12-month success map: Take a radical inventory of your inner and outer world & reverse engineer your success using the law of correspondence by determining who you need to be and what you need to embody to achieve it.

Bonus Session 3 – Embody your divine energy: Engage the depth of the law of vibration to increase the vibration of your mental frequency and energy so you can master quantum manifestation.

There are limited places available. If you want in, apply now!

      CEO Priestess Academy is a 12-month VIP group immersion to take you to the next level in your business, becoming a powerful, femme force to be reckoned with who magnetises divine clients and riches with power, impact and grace.

      A unique program built to support the activation and transformation of game-changing female entrepreneurs and thought leaders (coaches, practitioners, healers, strategists) determined to elevate their impact and income in a serious way and weave their legacy in this world!

      This is for you if…


      • You’re self-responsible, self-aware and emotionally secure
      • You have an established business OR you’re motivated and have a track record for success
      • You are capitalised / have a team OR you’re a go getter and super resourceful
      • You have great energy and are committed to the personal growth it takes to succeed in your sacred soul business


      And if you’re ready to…


      • Give up undercharging and overgiving and transform the way you work in the world
      • Balance your masculine and feminine in how you show up in the world
      • Have the greatest level of impact and invite the greatest divine compensation for that service
      • Invest in yourself to get where you want to be


      And if you want to…


      • Save the time and take advantage of a proven method for launching and scaling your soul work
      • Save the money of investing in bits and pieces or coaches who won’t give you this level of support and loving accountability
      • Have fun, to play and be in your feminine while also taking the soul aligned action to get results

      It’s not for women looking for a silver bullet. You have to show up, stand up for what you believe in and step into your highest potential. No-one is going to give this to you, you have to CLAIM it x

      In CEO Priestess Academy, you will..

      Embody your feminine divinity

      Own your worth and the true value of your sacred work while you operate from a place of service in everything you do.

      Voice your powerful message

      You are a beacon of light with an important message to share with the world. No more hiding… it’s time to express your full divine self through your sacred work.

      Module 7 Icon

      Liberate your transformational offering

       Bring together all of who you are in a high-end, high-value offering that is a no brainer for your soulmate clients to say a “hell YES” to working with you. 

      Module 8 Icon

      Elevate your frequency

      Launch and scale this new level of your sacred work in the world and magnetise exactly what you want in terms of impact and income.

      What exactly is included in the program:


      World class training to launch and scale your sacred soul work - 24/7 access to the priestess portal

      12-months access to 8 power-packed online training modules from offer creation to sales to branding and launching including templates, swipe files and scripts. We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to succeed and do it fast!

      1:1 coaching and accountability

      Monthly VIP Power Coaching & Goal Setting Session with your Accountability Advisor plus weekly accountability check ins to keep you on track and moving the needle in your business.

      Weekly LIVE training, hot seat coaching and energetic activations

      Weekly support with strategy, offers, launch, events, tech, sales and lead gen. Get strategic advice and your most compelling questions answered to move your sacred business forward at the speed of light!

      CEO Priestess Academy Private Facebook Community

      We gather in a sacred and powerful private Facebook Group, exclusive to CEO Priestesses where you will learn, grow and break through limitations together.

      Fortnightly ceremonial priestess circles

      Sit in sacred space with whole-hearted, soul-led women so you can elevate your frequency, embody your sovereign self-mastery and remain at the edge of your highest potential.

      Everything you need to powerfully launch and scale your transformational services on a global level…

      £42K within 2 months of joining CEO Priestess Academy…

      After selling a bespoke 32K pounds package (and 10K pounds package a few weeks before) AND welcoming in 2 incredible new team members.
      Leading Peak Performance Expert and Happiness & Success Strategist, Natalie Rae sharing about her pathway to success as a CEO Priestess.
      She was sitting where you are in our EVOLVE Retreat earlier this year!

      Welcomed 4 soulmate clients into her $6K program after her first launch event!

      “I was over not feeling enough, so over not being seen.
      Everyday I wake up and thank the stars I found you. I got such divine support and guidance. I now earn my own money, my hardworking hubby is taking a day off a fortnight and I have my own VA.”
      Christine, Leading sacred sound healer and women’s soul blueprint activator shares about her experience in CEO Priestess Academy.

      “Last month I had over 30 people sign up for my program (that’s over $40K for the month!) Eek, it actually happened and I’m having sooo much fun coaching”

      ‘I made my investment back with Prue in a few short weeks with the launch of my beta 6-week group program. A masterclass participant introduced me to the owner of her company who’s been looking to bring a coach into his 100+ person team. I’m speaking to the whole company tomorrow, then working on bulk pricing for my 6-week program and beyond. Insane!!

      Sold a $7K 6 month package in April, a $9K sale in June and again in August without officially launching yet!!!

      Landed 2 clients before she even shared her offering, had a woman sign up to her 3 month $4K program and presented a masterclass to that woman’s community!
      Wahoooo, go Jennifer Arwen-Clay ? ✨bring it on, priestess!!!
      From running a multi million dollar hair salon, with certifications from Wayne Dyer, Davidji, shamanism and more…
      The divine CEO Priestess, leading Life Alchemist and Intuitive Spiritual Translator Jennifer Arwen-Clay shares about her experience of crafting HER sacred work.

      Doubled her prices then increased another 30%, high level, soul aligned clients and OWNING HER GIFTS!

      The incredible CEO Priestess and Clairvoyant Compass to Destiny, Michelle Granieri Taylor shares about her experience in CEO Priestess Academy.

      Are you going to be the next CEO Priestess success story?

      Copyright Prue Blennerhassett Women Of Impact 2021

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